About ShadowfireFriday September 25, 2009


Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works Works on this website are protected by the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details about this license can be found here at creativecommons.org.


semantic contact info disabled because of spam. sorry.

A note on spam:
Any unsolicited commercial e-mail (Spam) is not welcome at this domain. Illegal spammers expect to be sued, burned at the stake and eaten with some nice bread and garlic at the midsummer festival. (Please bring your own wine.)


An appendix of this website can be found here.


Q: The layout of this website looks like crap in Internet Explorer.

A: I've decided to stop supporting Internet Explorer, sorry.

Q: The layout looks like crap in other browsers.

A: The HTML/CSS of this website was designed with forward compatibility in mind to stay in tune with future web 2 developments. Currently it's heavily tested with Firefox 3 and Opera 9.

I'm trying to be as W3C compliant as possible, all though this site is also my sandbox for experimental CSS technologies. The emphasis lies on liquid CSS (a layout independent of browser dimensions and screen size) to accommodate for various desktop, laptop and mobile browser configurations. Also this seems to be the best way of presenting my artwork and photography galleries on both wide and small screens. Design-wise, liquid layouts are a compromise though.

Find me:Shadowfire (9) information (9)