HTML color codesTuesday March 2, 2010
An easy reference of over 750 colors with names, RGB and hex values.
Copy / paste into your HTML code or css.
Base on the Xorg rgb.txt file.

'; print 'ColorNameHex codeRGB color'; print "\n"; while ( $count < count($code_array) ) { $color_tmp=preg_split("/::/",$code_array[$count]); $color_desc=$color_tmp[1]; $color_vals=preg_split("/ /",$color_tmp[0]); $decval=$color_vals[0] . "," . $color_vals[1] . "," . $color_vals[2] ; $hexval=dechexfixed($color_vals[0]) . dechexfixed($color_vals[1]) . dechexfixed($color_vals[2]) ; print ""; print " "; print "$color_desc"; print "#$hexval"; print "rgb($decval)"; print ""; print "\n"; $count++; } echo ''; function dechexfixed($num) { return substr ("00" . dechex($num), -2) ; } ?>
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