TombSunday September 12, 2004
Tomb, Giza, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
A "false door" inside a tomb near the Khufu pyramid. These doors where considered magic by the ancient Egyptians, in other words the spirit of the one burried behind could pass, while the living can't...
Show me stuff on:Giza (20) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
TombSunday September 12, 2004
Tomb, Giza, Egypt 2004,travel, photography
A small tomb near the Sphinx.
See more:Giza (20) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Queen tombSunday September 12, 2004
Queen tomb, Giza, Egypt 2004,travel, photography
A closer look into the lower chamber of the tomb.
Keywords: Queen tomb Show me stuff on:Giza (20) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)