Screenshots Museum2:00 on Friday April 23, 2010
Screenshots Museum
Commodore 64, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Linux - Enlightenment, FVWM2, WindowMaker, Gnome.

A selection of (desktop) screenshots spanning a few decades.

HTML color codesTuesday March 2, 2010
HTML color codes News ,Coding ,Other
An easy reference of over 750 colors with names, RGB and hex values.

Copy / paste into your HTML code or css.

Univers(al) TimelineTuesday August 28, 2007
Univers(al) Timeline News ,Coding ,Other
A timeline of the universe, solar system and evolution of life.

(Captions are in Dutch.)

Early airbrush artwork from 1996 till 2000.

Took an airbrush coarse for a few years, before I did my own artwork. Here are some early works I made for practice.

Get me more on:Cheetas (2) Jaguar (2) Waterfall (2)